Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Parental Control Software:What You Need To Know Before Getting One.

In the fight against Internet predators and unsuitable content, Parental Control Software is a powerful weapon. It provides a hassle-free way for parents to keep their children safe. This article looks at some of the key features a parent should be considering for when buying Parental Control Software.

Basic Monitoring

All Parental Controls should have some basic monitoring features. These should include:

- monitoring instant message or chat conversations in things like MSN Messenger or AOL Instant Messenger.

- monitoring web sites accessed.

- monitoring emails sent and received either locally (via things like Outlook) or remotely (via things like Hotmail).

- monitoring keystrokes.

Advanced Monitoring

The better Parental Control Software will also have advanced monitoring features. One particularly useful feature is the ability to take screenshots; this the gives the parent a good visual picture of what happened on the child's computer and makes reviewing the logs a lot easier.

Another feature that is very useful is the ability to monitor email attachments. Many products miss this feature, but an attachment is just as likely to contain worrying images and information as the email body.

Good Parental Control Software may also contain more advanced monitoring features such as specific logs of what a child has entered into search engines, or logs of peer-to-peer (P2P) downloads. Whilst these may not be considered 'essentials', they do increase the level of monitoring and add that extra bit of protection.


Blocking was what the old 'Net Nanny' software used to do. Whilst blocking alone is not enough these days, it is still a useful component to have in your Parental Control Software.

The basic form of blocking is by URL only, but the more advanced products will also allow you to block sites when certain keywords or phrases are found in the text of that site. This is much more convenient to set up than plain URL blocking.


There are 4 different ways that a parent can view the reports and logs created by Parental Controls. Most Parental Control Software uses only one of these methods:

1. The parent signs onto the child's computer and view the logs directly. This is the oldest and most inconvenient way. It means the parent needs access to the child's computer to see what went on. If the parent is not letting the child know that they are being monitored, it is even more inconvenient because the parent has to access the computer when the child isn't around to see.

2. The logs are emailed to the parent. This is okay to a certain extent, but it can lead to a lot of email traffic and it means that the parent has to wait until the logs are emailed - there is no real-time access.

3. The logs are stored on the child's computer and the logs are accessed remotely from a different computer. This is much more convenient for the parent, but the logs can only be accessed when the child's computer is switched on and operating correctly. Because the logs themselves are store on the child's computer, they are open to tampering and at risk of being unobtainable in the event of some sort of error on the child's computer.

4. The logs are stored on a remote server (provided by the vendor) and the parent accesses those logs remotely, from any computer in the world (including, if necessary, the child's own computer). This is the most secure and efficient method.

I highly recommend you look for Parental Control Software with a type 3 or 4 reporting mechanism. For the best protection for your child, a type 4 mechanism is preferred.

Other Considerations

This sort of software should install in what's called a 'stealth mode' so that it is undetectable on the child's computer - all the better products will do this.

Of course, no matter how good the individual features are, they need to work well together through an easy-to-use interface, so this is an important consideration. Also, the vendor should provide good support, preferably by phone, and the documentation should be easy to follow.


You can expect to pay $50 for the best Parental Control Software on the market, but this is a small price to pay for ensuring your children are safe onlinE

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Recognizing Your Child's Extraordinary Gift

Simply being a parent to a typical youngster or teenager already comes with its own set of challenges. But what if your child has extraordinary gifts, to boot? Whether you have a kid who has extraordinary skills in sports or in academics, there is a different parenting approach that needs to be taken if you want your kid to grow up well-adjusted.

Here, we will take a look at some parenting help advice for parents who have gifted children.

Things to Remember for Parents with Gifted Children

So what are the things that you need to keep in mind if you want to seek parenting help advice for children who are extraordinarily gifted? Take a look at the following list:

1. Learn how to recognize a gifted child.

Although it is a known fact that in the eyes of every parent, their child is gifted in some way - but how would you know if you have a son or a daughter who is extraordinarily gifted?

You will probably recognize the signs as soon as you start reading to your kids and once they go to school. A child who can finish school work faster than other kids of his or her own age; being able to understand more advanced study material; doing exceedingly well in class; exhibiting interest in the arts or excelling in a particular sport at a very young age are the signs to look out for.

2. With the help of a professional, develop your child's gift without compromising his or her growth in other aspects of life.

Let's say that you discovered early on that your son is a math whiz. With the help of a professional, you can and should develop this aspect of your son's learning.

However, make sure that your kid is also still interacting with boys and girls of his age so as not to miss that crucial social development stage, in order for him to be a well-adjusted boy and adult later on in life, despite having extraordinary academic talents.

3. Make your gifted child understand that advancement in years intellectually does not necessarily mean that he or she should miss out on actually having a childhood.

This final parenting help advice goes for parents who would not want their gifted child to miss out on their childhood. Just because you have a kid who could be the next Einstein does not mean that you should deny them the experience of being a child.

No matter how advanced your child is intellectually, the one parenting help advice that you should always remember is that deep down, your son or daughter is still a kid who should go through the normal phases of growing up.

By following these tips, you can rest assured that your gifted child will not just grow up to be someone with extraordinary academic talents - but a well-adjusted kid, too.

If you know that your child has an extraordinary gift or you need advanced parenting skills,
visit to learn more about how you can help them cope
with their talents and be a well-adjusted kid.